Home Finance Article 3 Signs Of Your Home Loan Realtor Stinks

3 Signs Of Your Home Loan Realtor Stinks

User Calender 8 Jul 2016
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3 Signs  Of  Your Home Loan  Realtor Stinks | Best Home Laon | Home Loan Providers | Real Estate Home Loans

I read a study in the past that Real Estate Home Loans agents are one of the least trusted in the professional world. The only mention I could find of that study is here.Mike RohrigI was talking with Mike Rohrig, a Realtor himself (and a damn trustworthy one), about this very topic yesterday. 3 Signs  Of  Your Home Loan  Realtor Stinks and that’s why I started writing this post. Since a lot of the people I help in the homebuying process talk to me before they talk to a Realtor, which is the way it should be, I thought I might share some tips on picking the right Agent for you. These Home Loan Strategies 2016 are strictly based on my observations, having worked in the Portland Metro Real Estate market since November of 2005, and are not meant to offend anyone.I also wanted to share some things you don’t hear everywhere else .

I apologize for duplicating anything you may have already read.#1 – Can You Hear Me nowThe Realtor in one of the first transactions I worked on was a friend of the borrower’s mother. I hoped that the “familial” nature of the relationship would make the home-buying process smoother.That was not the case.The borrower said she wanted a house in a particular Beaverton school district. The listings that the Home Loan Agents sent to her were mostly outside of that school district. The borrower asked me if that was normal, and wound up doing the online searching herself.


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If the agent starts showing you lots of properties that miss that mark, it’s time to re-evaluate. If there aren’t any properties that meet that criterion, they should tell you that.And that leads to my next tip:#2 – Yeah, that’s the ticket Honesty & knowledge go hand in hand. Want to gauge your Realtor’s performance when it comes to being smart and a straight shooter?Ask them what the Monthly Mortgage Home Loan Insurance Premium is on a USDA Home Loan.There are two answers, and both are right:.3% of the loan amount divided by 12, orI don’t knowIf they know the answer is #1, then they are knowledgeable. If they answer #2, they are honest.Any other answer might be cause for concern. I can’t tell you how many times I have to dispel some B.S. that an Agent has planted in a borrower’s head.My favorite Agents to work with don’t talk about Home Loans Rates With Low Interest Rate because that’s not their job. Just like I don’t talk about marketing property and negotiating purchase & sale agreements. Make sure you’re Agent isn’t afraid to admit they don’t know everything. Real Estate is a big, complex market; nobody can know everything about it.#3 – Hey, Look At Me!I am obviously quite involved in social media and other things that involve the interwebz.I’m also dealing with Real Estate Home Loan Agents all over the Portland – Vancouver – Hillsboro MSA in the course of daily bidness.As a result, one of the first things I do when I get in contact with a new Realtor is look them up online.Do they have a website? Is it the tiny little webpage their gigantic, big-box broker give them? Because if it is, it’s basically an online business card; the only information you are likely to glean is how to contact this person.Do they have a blog? A Twitter account? A Facebook Page? If so, check it out.What an Agent broadcasts to the world will tell you a lot about that person’s well, personality.Or lack thereof. What do I look for? Is their website primarily dominated with useful information, or platitudes about how great they are? No matter how much of their website copy is written in the third person, they signed off on the content. Does it connect with you?If you are familiar with Twitter, check out their stream. Is it conversation & information? Or, is it nothing but listings and “wanna buy a home in Portland? call ME!”?The same applies to their Facebook page.If a Realtor’s social media presence is primarily talking “at” rather than “to”, it’s a safe bet you will experience the same when you speak with that person in person or on the phone.

Helpful people are not as abundant.So those are some quick observations about what I would look for in a Realtor.  I am proud to call a few good Realtors in our area friends.That’s just me though. A guy who’s been in the industry may be a little on the cynical side. If you are an agent, I truly mean no offense, and welcome any comments you may have.Update My good friend Nick Church kindly reminded me upon reading this article that in Oregon & Washington Home Loan Programs 2016 , they are called “Brokers”, not “Agents”. Thanks Nick, I guess I have spoken with so many people that call them Agents that I completely forgot .

User Calender 8 Jul 2016
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