Permanent Damage Rheumatic Heart Disease | Healthcare | Medication
Permanent Damage Rheumatic Heart Disease: Rheumatic heart disease symptom can cause permanent damage to a patient’s heart valves and the main reason for such damage is that the patient has developed rheumatoid fever. However, rheumatic heart disease is a relatively uncommon disease – at least as far as the average American is concerned and in fact only American children are liable to suffer from this disease, especially those children that have developed strep throat infections that were not properly treated.
Children Aged Five To Fifteen

In particular, parents need to be on the lookout for rheumatic heart disease symptoms in children aged between five and fifteen, especially when the child is complaining of frequent episodes of strep throat infection. The reason why it is always a good idea to be on the lookout for rheumatic heart disease symptoms is that being an inflammatory disease, rheumatoid fever can affect connecting tissues, especially those in or near the heart and joints as well as pain and skin which can lead to heart damage, and more especially scarring of heart valves.Heart Disease Risk Calculator Save Life.

There are several different rheumatic heart disease symptoms to be aware about though the ones that are most common include peathlessness and fatigue. In addition, there are palpitations as well as chest pain and frequent bouts of fainting that are other common rheumatic heart disease symptoms.
Rheumatic Heart Disease | Damage Heart | Chest Pain
Once a patient or his doctor notices one or more rheumatic heart disease symptoms it is then necessary to begin heart disease treatment immediately. Typically, Heart Disease tips this treatment of rheumatoid heart disease means either taking medications or undergoing surgery with medications being used to help the patient avoid overexertion while surgery is used to actually replace the damage heart valve(s).

One common rheumatic heart disease symptom is pain or more precisely pain that refuses to abate and this pain can affect the patient’s chest and neck as well as jaw and even shoulders and arms. The pain may be like a burning sensation and it is also squeezing and heavy as well as tight. However, in women patients the pain may be rather vaguer. Another common rheumatic heart disease symptom is shortness of peath which usually accompanies chest discomfort.
causes of rheumatic heart disease Nausea as well as profuse sweating too is common rheumatic heart disease symptoms and in case you suspect these symptoms to be those of rheumatoid heart disease you should not wait a minute and instead immediately call 911 or a local emergency number and seek immediate help. In addition, you should stop any activities that you were performing and instead pause and lie or sit down and wait for help to arrive.