Heart Tonifying Herbals | Medicine | Coronary Heart Disease
Heart Tonifying Herbals 1. Heart-Tonifying Herbal Granule ClassificationQi-stagnancy and Blood StasisComposition:Ginseng, Ovate Atractylodes, Astragalus, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Mume Fructus, hizoma Zingiberis,Cortex Cinnamomi, etc.Indicationchest distress, short breath, indisposition or hidden pain of prothorax and shoulder back, arrhythmia (tachycardia, bradycardia, premature pulse, etc), gastric distention, hypochondrium distending pain, hiccup, irritability and restlessness.Explanation By TCM TheoryQi-stagnancy and Blood Stasis is one source causing coronary heart disease. Most often it is originated from violent rage, depression, unexpected stimulus, excessive smoking and liquor addiction, fed-upness of much food. Qi-stagnancy and Blood Stasis can slow the movement of blood circulation, stimulate the coronary artery spasm which may effect the shortage of blood supply to coronary artery or heart muscle ischemia.Dosage1 bag one time, 3 times daily.
2. Assistant Herbal Granule
Coronary Heart Disease Medicine ClassificationVacuity of Both Qi and YinIndicationchest distress, short breath, indisposition or hidden pain of precordium, arrhythmia (tachycardia, bradycardia, premature pulse, etc), headache, numbness of limbs, dry throat, hot feeling with centers of both palms and feet, insomnia, much dream, vexation, much sweating, instable blood pressure, etc.Analysis By TCM TheoryVacuity of Both Qi and Yin is initiated by diabetes, menopause syndrome. Heart-Tonifying Herbal Granule CHD Modern medical theory concludes the vacuity of both Qi and Yin can lower the function ability of the human immune system, promote the sedimentation of cholesterol and other material upon the artery wall, causing the artery arteriosclerosis and accumulation of platelet, the source for thrombose.

Thus the cerebrovascular disease or myocardial infarction cannot be avoided. Coronary heart disease of such type at the earlier stage can be cured with 5 –6 therapeutic courses.Dosage1 bag one time, three times daily.
3. Assistant Herbal Granule | Herbal Name | Heart Disease | Treatment
ClassificationQi-insufficiency, blood stasis, stagnation of turbid phlegm.Indicationchest distress, short breath, indisposition or hidden pain of precordium, arrhythmia (tachycardia, bradycardia, premature pulse, etc), headache, numbness of limbs, excessive phlegm, cough, poor appetite, stomach distention, nausea, dread of cold weather, puffiness, heavy leg, debility, etc.Analysis By TCM Theory Qi-insufficiency and blood stasis, stagnation of turbid phlegm are two etiological factors causing coronary heart disease.

Long time emotional indisposition or exposure to wind cold can bring about the vacuity coldness of both spleen and kidney, leading to the disregard of both Qi and Yang. Qi-insufficiency and blood stasis can lower the average function ability of the immune system, slow the blood circulation. Stagnation of turbid phlegm can increase the level of blood fat and cholesterin, promote the formation of coronary arteriosclerosis and cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis, both of which can cause coronary heart disease.Heart Disease Specialist , Western medicine to treat coronary heart disease of the two syndrome pattern can only relieve the symptoms but fall short of a satisfied recovery. Heart Tonifying Granule Herbal Serie # 2 can warm and tonify both spleen and kidney, transform phlegm, dredge the channel network, 4 to 5 treatment courses can help patients recover from the disease.Dosage1 bag one time, 3 times daily.
4. Assistant Herbal Granule
Coronary Heart Disease Treatment ClassificationSequela of MyocarditisIndicationchest distress, short breath, premature pulse, indisposition or hidden pain of precordium, arrhythmia, fatigue, dizziness, etc.Analysis By TCM TheoryThe virus invasion to cardiac muscle causes the immune allergies which can continuously impair the cardiac muscle. In TCM theory they are classified as “vacuity,” “stasis,” “toxin,” “dampness,” the pathogenic factors. Herbal Heart Tonifying Granule Serie # 4 can warm and tonify heart, spleen and kidney, dispel the dampness, neutralize the toxin, transform stasis, dredge channel network. Generally speaking, 3 – 4 therapeutic course coronary hear disease of such type can be cured.Dosage1 bag one time, 3 times daily.