Gender No Longer Factor Heart Disease | Treatment | Reason
Gender No Longer Factor Heart Disease: It has been proven that there is a difference how men and women differ when suffering heart disease, even though the basic fact is still there the symptoms of having a heart attack or stroke seem very suffering heart disease, even though the basic fact is still there the symptoms of having different.

With coronary heart disease woman who are in menopause hesitate to have hormone replacement therapy due to the fact that it could raise the chances of having a heart attack or stroke. The Ratios of Coronary Heart Disease women are to men are still not equal, but are quite close considering the research done.

Major Cause High Cholesterol more people die daily due to heart problems than from any other form of cancer, which was known to be the number one killer years ago.Heart disease or coronary heart disease women should learn that they are one and the same thing, it’s the problem of acute or not that could make a difference at this point. Coronary Heart Disease Treatment it is still to do with the heart.
Over the past years coronary heart disease women thought it was only for men, but times have changed and proventhat woman have died more from it too than peast cancer. It has been proven that the heart disease women statistic has increased since the focus has beentaken off men only.
Major Symptoms Of Heart Disease | Disease Calculator | Testing
With coronary heart disease women would tend to get crushing pains in the chest, fatigue, nausea, light headedness, tingling pains down the left arm towards their hand if they are having mild symptoms of either a heart attack coming on or a stroke. Some of these symptoms should not be confused with indigestion at all, and medical attention should be seen to urgently. Men however suffer a bit differently.

For every disease out there, even Coronary Heart Disease women are no less at risk anymore than the men. Since Health Tips for Women, habits and exercise routines could help, but even the fittest and most healthy looking people have just keeled over from a heart attack, that would probably be the genetic factor that took control.
How to lower Cholesterol one issue that should be checked on an annual basis is having an ECG with your cholesterol levels, which could do no harm. The cholesterol could at least be down to what it should be, with medication according to your weight, height and age.
Changing your eating habits and a gentle exercise pattern could dramatically improve your chances of surviving a stroke or heart attack, as research shows that more woman struggle to recover physically and mentally after the ordeal than men do.