Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery | Emergency Service
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: Angioplasty is a technique used in the medical field to dilate a narrowing of the lumen (stenosis) of a blood vessel, caused in most cases by the presence of an Atheromatous Plaque. The dilatation of the vessel is performed by means of a Special Balloon Catheter that is introduced through the percutaneous puncture of an artery, leading to the stenotic vessel and then inflated at the constriction, so as to restore the normal diameter of the pot and allow an increase in blood flow.

For brachytherapy in the medical field, refers to a particular type of radiation therapy where the radioactive material such as iridium 192 through the use of small containers is placed in direct contact with cancer. The technique is mainly used for Prostate Cancer, cervical cancer and various other cancers such as those present in the neck. The aim is to deliver a high dose only to the infected tissues while try not to alter even healthy tissues. The term derives from the Greek meaning “short”, short, given the short distance between the radioactive source and the “target volume”, unlike the telecare, i.e. the traditional Transcutaneous Radiotherapy, where radioactive source and the “target volume” are at a discreet distance from each other (80-100 cm)
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts | Medication | Heart Lung

There are Three Forms Used in Oncology:
*Brachytherapy Centre (also called endocavitary), inserted in natural cavities of the body
*Interstitial brachytherapy, inserted directly into the tumour mass
*Contact brachytherapy, where radioactive sources are placed in contact with the surface coprporea.
*Intravascular Brachytherapy
The Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG or cabbage, from coronary artery bypass graft surgery) is the higher frequency of Cardiac Surgery performance. The first operations of this kind were made in 1969 and since then the technique is very advanced. The bypass allows you to overcome a duct partially or totally obstructed vascular. The surgeon makes an incision lengthwise on the chest through the breastbone, called the Median Sternotomy. Through this incision the surgeon accesses the heart and aorta. Downstream of the constriction suture a section of saphenous vein taken from the patient, or more recently the mammary artery. Then connect the other end upstream of the narrowing or occlusion. In this way the blood will pass around the obstacle. Separation right Coronary Artery Desease Factors from surrounding tissue, during the traditional intervention. Pipe at the bottom shows the blood from the Heart Lung Machine.
Aorto Coronary Bypass Graft | Heart Operation | Department of Surgery

Aorto Coronary Bypass can be Performed Through Two Methods:
*Speech Traditional – The patient is connected to cannulae through some heart-lung machine, after which the heart is stopped through a solution Cardioplegia.
*Button Heart Surgery – The Patient’s Heart Operation. This method involves fewer risks for certain types of patients.
*MIDCAB – (Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, Coronary bypass using minimally invasive surgical procedure). This Tips for Heart Disease provides access to the heart through an incision of 8-10 cm practiced the 4th or 5th thorac interspace front left. Is used to bypass the internal mammary artery to the left which appears to be the most important vessel for revascularization of infarcted myocardium. The peculiarity ‘of Midcab, as well as the minimization of access chest (sternotomy is not necessary with consequent reduction in pain postoperatively), is the ability’ to speak even a beating heart.
*Epidural Anaesthesia – in recent times have been carried interventions of this type in patients with epidural anaesthesia, which has opened new perspectives since, particularly in elderly patients, we avoid the risks of General Anaesthesia.