Best Heart Desease Healthy Diet | Cooking Blog | Cholesterol Level
Best Heart Healthy Recipes: Can We Prevent Them?Heart Disease.Those suffering from high blood pressure, or at risk of a heart attack, heart disease and stroke, should pay particular attention to food.

Heart disease can be a very serious condition, especially if not properly treated. This is one of the most common NHS complaints and can lead to further problems.
It is wrong to think that a diet to be taken in such circumstances must necessarily be insipid and limited vegetables and fruits, whole grains and foods rich in fibre, low fat dairy.
Cholesterol is a soft substance which is among the lipids (fats) in the bloodstream and in all cells of the body. It is a very important substance for the body because it contributes to the formation of cell membranes, some hormones and is necessary for many other functions. But a high level of cholesterol in the blood, High Cholesterol, is a high risk factor for Coronary Heart Disease and can lead to a heart attack.
Both the cholesterol that fats can not dissolve in the blood must be transported from cell complex called lipoproteins. There are many types of lipoproteins, but what interests us, in this case, are the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL).
What is LDL Cholesterol? | Cholestrol In The Blood | Heart Attack

Low-density lipoproteins are the major cholesterol in the blood. If too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood can slowly accumulate in the walls of arteries feeding the heart and brain. Together with other substances it can form plaque, thick, hard deposit that can clog arteries: in this case we are faced with the problem known as atherosclerosis.
A blood clot (thrombus) can form near these plaques in the arteries leading to the heart, blocking the blood flow and cause a heart attack. If the clot blocks the flow of blood directly to the brain, you can get stroke. A High Level of LDL Cholesterol (> 160 mg / dL) is a high level of risk of heart disease. For people with a heart level of LDL cholesterol should not exceed 100 mg / dL. That is why LDL cholesterol is called Bad Cholesterol: low LDL cholesterol levels are at low risk factor for heart disease.
What is HDL Cholesterol?

Approximately one third, one fourth of Blood cholesterol is transported by lipoproteins HDL. Doctors believe that HDL tends to remove cholesterol from the arteries bringing it to the liver, from which it is distributed to the body. Some experts believe that HDL remove excess cholesterol from plaque in this way delaying their development. HDL cholesterol is known as good cholesterol because a high level seems to protect against heart attacks.
Scientific evidence also shows that a low level of HDL (<40 mg / dL in men and <50 mg / dL in women) coincides with an increased risk. Therefore, even a low level of HDL cholesterol can cause serious heart problems.
What is Cholesterol Lp (a)? | Nutrition | Physical Activities

The Lp (a) is a genetic variation of plasma LDL. A high level of Lp (a) is a major risk factor for premature development of atherosclerosis. The way in which a high value of Lp (a) contributes to heart disease is unclear. Also any micreo-lesions in artery walls contain substances that may interact with Lp (a) and lead to the accumulation of fatty deposits.
Cholesterol and Diet
Generally, the cholesterol can be achieved in two ways. The first is a production, mainly associated with the liver, which normally produces about 1,000 mg per day. The second is related to the daily diet which may also contain significant amounts. In particular we mention the food animals (dairy products, egg yolks, meat, fish, seafood and whole milk). Plant foods (fruits, vegetables and cereals) contain no cholesterol vice versa.
Generally the body is able to produce all the cholesterol it needs, so that additional input is not necessary. Saturated fatty acids are the main responsible for raising blood cholesterol, which, remember, increases the Risk of Heart Disease. Nutrition therefore plays a fundamental role in industrialized countries, particularly in countries with low consumption of fruits and vegetables, the average values of cholesterol taken through food rose to more than 300 mg for men and 200 mg for women.