Kind Of Women You Have Always Wanted

You Can Get The Kind Of Women You Have Always Wanted

In this dating secrets article, I will teach you some tips and tricks to spice up the effectiveness of your first few dates with women and score better.

Guys who have lower self-confidence when it comes to women like to think that they don’t “deserve” to get the kind of women they want deep inside search then on free dating sites for singles. Well, if you belong to this group I have good news for you. Just keep reading!

I usually put women into 3 categories: in the first, there are ugly or average looking girls. In the second category, there are girls with “supermodel” looks. And I named the last category, “girls you really like”. The first needs no explanation. The second category changes by time and fashion: currently, it’s girls who are 180cm tall, who weigh 50kg and who have mostly blonde hair and a certain type of face. When we talk about “hot girls” we like to talk about girls in this category. But what about the third?

Have you noticed that there are certain free online dating services you have “a thing” for? These girls don’t resemble the actual trend in supermodels. At least not in 100%. They are taller or shorter. They might have a bigger nose or smaller lips. They might not have the biggest heart. But there is one thing in common: you will have a “fetish” for these girls. A little thing or feature on their body, which attracts you like a magnet.

Let’s see my case as an example. I love shorter (but slim) girls who have a very fragile body-type. Are these girls 180cm tall as the current trend in supermodels dictates? No. I also love girls with exotic faces or certain exotic features on their faces. Do these girls have a baby face like supermodels should? No. Do I still like these girls? Of course! If I am with a girl like this, am I getting the kind of women I want? Of course!

Best free dating sites share a secret you will like: Oftentimes, these unique types of girls you find attractive will find your type attractive as well! When I was younger and less successful with women, I have noticed getting signs of interest from these girls I had a thing for. Later I realized that it was somehow made to be this way: I respond to their looks and they respond to mine. As I talked to many guys since then, I had to realize that I am not alone: most of the guys experience this! I don’t know if there is a logical reason behind this phenomenon, but it’s not important at all. What matters is that you can attract the kind of women you have a thing for damn easily!

I don’t say you should restrain yourself from going for supermodels. But do not let the trends dictate which kind of girls you should date and which kind you shouldn’t. The above is the type of women, which could give you a lot of joy and happiness.

Finally, if you want to know how to seduce the kind of women you want then search for USA free dating services, there is an e-book I’ve written. You have to know each step of the seduction process, from understanding the way women think, to learning to be a Man who attracts girls with his presence, approaching women the right way, secrets of making your dates successful and effective, improving your sexual life and a lot, lot more. Whether you are ugly, bald, young, old or broke, the techniques I teach will work for you like a charm!

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