Online Dating Tips for Women on Safety: From Emailing to Meeting for the First TimeOnline dating can be a great experience for you looking for that perfect partner, but you must be mindful of your safety. One of the best dating tips to remember is keeping your private information PRIVATE. Don’t list any phone numbers, email addresses, specific employment details, or full names of relatives and friends.
Once you establish a solid connection with a man, then private message information via a specific email set up for communication with dates you can junk later on. After all, you want to make sure the guy doesn’t go crazy on you once you start communicating more on a personal level. Once you’ve met him in person and have gained more trust in him, giving him your real email address is safer at that point.First Date with a Man from Online DatingMeet in a public setting. One of the best dating tips for women to strongly adhere to is driving somewhere neutral to meet the man you’ve been communicating with online. Believe me, if he’s a good guy, he’ll really respect you for it. He likes to see a woman take precautions and illustrate safety measures. It shows you have self-respect and are smart about how you meet a man you’re about to date.Make sure someone knows where you are. When I met who’s now the love of my life, we communicated 10 months before meeting in person. Although I had a good feeling about him,
I let two of my closest friends know where I was going and at what time for our introduction in person. About an hour after dinner, I excused myself to the restroom to text them both to let them know that everything was alright. Set a time to let someone know your date is going well. Allow an hour or two after you meet your date in person before you text or call a friend about how things are going. Excuse yourself to the restroom so you can reassure your friend all is good. Doing this gives you peace of mind.Keep time limited the first time out on a date. Try keeping the first date scheduled at a decent time of day, say early evening or afternoon. It’s another way of testing the man out to make sure he’s not hoping for a late night romp or nightcap that could lead to other things on his mind. If he’s truly decent, he’ll be relieved the first date is relaxed and casual. It also sends the message that you’re not easy. This online dating safety tip might seem a bit silly, but the saying is true that you can never be too safe.If a guy pressures you to change the time of a date, DON’T! Use your judgment here and don’t cave into going out a lot later. If it’s a change by 15 or 30 minutes, that might be okay. Just not an extra hour or more. Besides, you don’t want a man who thinks he can go changing things on you all the time.If he doesn’t look like who he says he is, do some advanced investigating! If the man you’re supposed to meet doesn’t match his photograph and you have one of him. If you upload an image you have of the guy from the online site you discovered him, TinEye will let you know where else a similar photo has been used online date and activity behind the image. Huffington Post published a report that said many scammers steal photos from Facebook for the purpose of conning people.
If your date claims to have a labor-type job, such as being a mechanic, construction worker, or any profession that is rough on the hands, look at his hands and see if they’re rough or definitely have the appearance of being “used” a lot. Sizing up a man’s hands is a huge indicator of his job if it’s labor-intensive. Drinking and Meeting New Date Don’t drink much alcohol. If you decide to meet a new man for the first time, it might be better to refrain from consuming alcohol. However, if drinks do enter the picture, just use good judgment. Don’t drink more than one. This online dating tip is given for obvious reasons.Never leave your drink behind. If you have to use the restroom or go to your car because you forgot to grab something, be sure your glass is empty and let your date know you don’t want another one (just in case the server asks him while you’re gone if you want another drink). It’s just better to play on the side of caution here to eliminate any chance of someone slipping something they shouldn’t into your glass.There are a ton of dating tips women can continue learning about when it comes to safety. A lot of it really is common sense. Don’t be afraid to exercise extra safety measures while you’re involved with online dating — or any kind of dating.