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  • Want to file for divorce in NY, currently not resident, need to care for my parents in NY
    I was married in NY years ago, currently resident of another state and want to file for divorce. I am in need to move back to NY to care for my parents. Am I better off to move to NY with my children to care for my parents then file for divorce? If so how long do my children need to be residents of NY? How long do I need to be resident of NY before I can file for divorce? I am afraid if I file in another state I will not be able to leave with my children to care for my parents until divorce is settled…….any suggestions?
  • Answers
  • If you were married in New York State, then NYS has jurisdiction over your case and you may file the divorce in NYS.
  • My 13 year old daughter recently sent me a picture of a cashiers check ($106,000) from my ex to an Italian car dealer. Ex sent it to a friend he used to work with. My daughter thinks it was a pay check and did forward some other conversations her friends mom had with him. She was going through his text because she recently found drugs in the home and still feels she is not safe. One of the mothers was copying and sending pics of her Intragam to the ex . The check is from a bank he never disclosed in divorce 3 years ago. He claimed he makes $42,000 a year and was living in poverty the 4 years it took to divorce. I get little child support and he is already driving and Escalade and buying our son a BMW, takes large trips every year. Can I use this new information in court. I also think I found and Investment agent he is using as he emptied the one account I knew about and said he used it to live. I suspect he put it in new account. Bank and Investment places are both out of state
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