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Reputation Management Services

More efficient way of finding out what’s happening with your branding process and name out there. Although online reputation management is still in its infancy, new tools to help you with your reputation are being born every day.

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Reputation is everything

It is no secret that  the internet is where the vast  majority of people around the world seek out information, whether to research a  subject, make a purchase, or hire an employee. Most of this activity starts  with the major search engines which have now become the “front line” in the  competition for purchasing dollars, market share, branding, and more. It is  also here, at the search engine level, where both individual and corporate  reputations bear the brunt of negative attacks.

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Reputation Consultants

If you currently have an online reputation management problem, our online BMS reputation consultants can provide the tools you need to spot it and quietly remove it from search engines.

Manage your reputation!

Once you know how to check your online reputation, you need to find the best way to managing it. Here are some great tools to help you with that: It is a great way to help you manage your reputation. You need to sign up, invite people and let them write reviews about you, your company, your products, services etc.

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The problem is that even for companies, brands, and individuals  with pristine reputations, a negative campaign can be either perceived as true  or at the very least sew doubt in the mind of the person reading it. In many  cases it doesn’t even matter if the posts sound smart, factual, or idiotic. In  today’s economy, where consumers are watching every dollar, you don’t want a  potential buyer of your product or service to see a negative post and decide to  “keep looking”. 

BMS offer online reputation management services that include search result removal, suppression, protection and review management

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What We Provide

Our skilled BMS( Biphoo Marketing Solution) team uses reverse search engine optimization to fix negative and unwanted Internet information about you or your business.  The Online reputation services we provide include:

  • Removing negative Internet news stories, including slander;
  • Removing ratings and bad reviews;
  • Fixing results from Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines;
  • Removing information on court cases and litigation;
  • Deleting Rip off Reports
  • Removing cheater websites

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Our Expertise : Biphoo Marketing Solution

Whether the information is being disseminated by your  competition, a disgruntled ex-employee, or for personal reasons the fact is  that your reputation is at risk and you could be losing money and opportunities  because of it. Once begun, offensives such as these don’t just go away. You  have to react, and the reaction must be taken immediately. Our BMS Team are focused not just on public perception, but also on our understanding of buying drivers for specific products.
Public perception is vitally important, but our proprietary solutions are also focused on what drives sales for your products or services.

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BMS: We do not only provide SEO and Online marketing services but we also offer a wide array of related services such as SEO friendly  responsive web design, pay per click, affiliate marketing, website audits, social media optimization, Online Reputation management branding, lead generation and several others.

[/vc_column_text][distance][testimonial_slider type=”penta”][testimonial_item name=”John Anderson” img=”8876″ subtitle=”Risotto Co” testimonial_content=”“We’re really pleased with the service we’ve received from BMS, the team provide an exceptional level of digital knowledge alongside practical hands-on day to day support. We’ve made some significant changes and seen some significant performance improvements in a short space of time.“
” second_social=”instagram”][testimonial_item name=”Lida Smith” img=”8880″ subtitle=”Mexin Co” testimonial_content=”“BMS has been extremely easy to work with. They are organised and friendly and have an in depth knowledge of digital that becomes apparent as soon as you meet them.“” first_social=”instagram” second_social=”linkedin” third_social=”vimeo” fourth_social=”pinterest”][/testimonial_slider][distance type=”2″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″ css=”.vc_custom_1448868540278{background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”6/12″][distance][webnus-divider type=”7″ lspan=”Request” rspan=”A Free Quote” color=”#77da55″][distance]

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