Ten Safety Travel Tips for Seniors | Should Be Follow | Planing To Travel Should Be Health Conscious

The elderly must plan any trip carefully. They should make sure that the medical conditions which are per-existing are well managed. They must organize travel insurance only if needed with per-existing illness cover and must not forget to take proper medication till the last day of the trip. Coronary heart disease, obesity or sitting stationary for long periods of time may lead to development of blood clots in the leg veins or DVT i.e. deep vein thrombosis.Ten travel Safety Concerns for elderly also include:

Consult with any travel agent for suggestions as many tour operators specialize in accommodating with the needs of elders who are traveling.(Make Your HoneMoon Special)
Find about the facilities in terms of medication which are available in the area of visit.
Researching about other important factors like language, culture and climate and buying a guide book for references.
The elderly must also make arrangements for wheelchairs, seating needs and guide dogs in advance.
Travel insurances with illness cover must be organized.
Also, if one is concerned about the health issues, arrangement should be made for a package tour if possible.
There should be per-medical checkups before going for a trip and regular medication as well.
One must make sure that the carry-on bag and the luggage contains everything which is needed for the flight duration.
For the elderly it is very important to include a medical kit in the luggage which must include painkillers, antacids and band-aids.
It is better to take a pillbox with compartments for different weekdays as being away from home and the usual routine may make a person forget about medicines especially the elderly.
Elderly must also pack with them a spare pair of glasses and using a suitcase with wheels is also recommended. Ten travel Safety Concerns for elderly also include consultations with the doctor for flying or taking a trip as he may advice to take half an aspirin on the flying day and to wear elastic stockings for the flight.Other concerns may include-
Wear loose clothing.

Not smoking while traveling.
Avoid alcohol drinking.
Drink fluids in large amount. This will help prevent dehydration.
Taking strolls up and down the aisles whenever it is possible.
Not forgetting to practice stretches and exercising while on trip. Other Safety Suggestions:(see most expensive ones = cars or jets)
The elderly should not travel around during night time.
Carrying the wallet holding a small amount of cash and other valuables like cheques and credit cards are beneficial.
Extra time for transportation is also required when traveling with elders.
Sitting with legs crossed should be avoided.
Good blood circulation is also very essential while travel ling as sitting in the planes for long periods of time may lead to blood clots. Thus whenever possible the elderly must walk around. In case they are stuck in the plane and cannot move they must pump their feet back and forth and exercise with their hands and palms to keep blood circulation.
Make sure the elderly are hydrated properly as elderly are more likely to get dehydrated.Tags: Safety Travel Tips